Lower lending costs.
Lower borrowing costs.
Lower lending costs.
Lower borrowing costs.
Bidpiq reduces the time and cost for lenders and borrowers to reach an agreement by efficiently facilitating the business and commercial lending relationship management function.
Coffee. Lunch. Dinner. Forms. Paperwork. Encrypted email. Introductions to other bank product salespeople. Multiplied by 10 when it's time to renew. Is this the "relationship" you have with your lender? Would your time be better spent running your business? Present your deal opportunity, securely verify your information, and have multiple lenders bid to lend you money. Lower borrowing costs.
Analyze the time and cost to acquire and retain a credit. How "real" is your pipeline? Analyze the value-add-to-cost of the FTE's who touch the credit. If you were to redeploy resources to client-valued industry vertical specialists, PM's, credit and risk management, metrics become predictable while reducing onboard time, risk and cost. Fewer people; better information. Lower lending costs.
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